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Chrytatywna Choinka




Przytulisko na Wiśniowej - Sandomierskie Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Zwierząt

I'm Coco, and at first glance, it may seem like I'm looking at strangers unfriendly. But I'm just afraid that something bad might happen to me. I'm worried that in the midst of the pack, my popularity might take a hit. People might look away and walk away quickly. So, I give a signal right away that I'm backing away like a crab. I prefer pleasant surprises over unkept promises. I'm a shelter teenager and Chanel's sister. I love movement, the sun, meadows, bugs, chew toys, making a mess, causing chaos, annoying Grandpa Azyl, and planning to steal someone else's delicious-smelling chewy. I also love my sister, but I won't hide that she sometimes annoys me, and that's when family hell breaks loose. I don't like going back to the kennel, and unlike my sister, I'm shy around new people.I need a home because dog kids and teenage dogs shouldn't live in shelters. Their place is with a good and wise person who will provide a sense of security and respect their doggy needs.

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